These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (2025)

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (1)

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So, you over-tweezed and know it's going to take months—if not longer—to grow in your eyebrows again. Hey, it happens to the best of us! And you've already thought of something that'll help: an eyebrow stencil. It's essentially a template to help you fill in your brows without looking like you've drawn two caterpillars on your face.

An eyebrow stencil is especially "great for people who have poor sight, are known to go tweezer happy, or someone who’s simply scared of over-doing their brows," says eyebrow expert Hibba Kapil, founder of Hibba Beauty.

Most brow stencils come in kits with tons of options. Choose a pack made of flexible plastic so they'll mold to your skin, then follow the instructions for application.

If you want a little more guidance before landing on a stencil, Joey Healy, founder of Joey Healy Eyebrow Studio, says to pick and position one that starts at the front of the brow (hold a pencil straight up from your eye duct; that's where your brow should begin), arches in a way that frames your face (see options here), and ends if you were to hold a pencil about 45 degrees from the other end of your eye. As you're filling in each brow, Healy says to keep your strokes light and intentional. "You want to take your time, and not blindly fill them in because that can end up looking inauthentic," he says.

Ready for our favorite eyebrow stencils to buy in 2020? Let's go:


Best Overall

Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyebrow Stencils

Anastasia is the unofficial Queen of Eyebrows. Healy recommends her five-stencil set because it includes informational,easy-to-use guidelines. The brand uses the Golden Ratio Method, a shaping technique that combines symmetry and thickness to create natural-lookingbrows. Each stencilindicates right where your brow should start, arch, and end.

This affordable eyebrow stencil set boasts 24 stencils, the most you'll find on this list and for the lowest price. Easy-to-see, heart-shapeicons indicate where to place your fingers while holding your stencil and filling in your brows.

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Best Palette

Aesthetica Eyebrow Contour Kit

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (5)

This all-in-one kit comes with five eyebrow stencils, six brow powders (making iteasy to create your natural hair color!), a pair oftweezers, and a two-sided brow brush. Just outline your brows based on your preferred shape and fill in with the brush.If you get lost along the way, this pick comes with an instruction guide too.


e.l.f. Eyebrow Stencils

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (6)

If you're new to eyebrow stencils but don't want to sift through dozens of options,go with this starter kit from e.l.f.You'll avoid decision fatigue by choosing from four natural-looking options:Curved Arch, Soft Arch, Structured Arch, and Full Arch.

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Fran Wilson Instant Brows Sticker Stencils

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (7)

This is a stencil and a sticker, all in one. You remove the blue "eyebrows,"adhere the sticker to your skin (don't worry, it won't leave residue), and fill in the opening left by the arch. It's another easy way to get hands-free application! Each kit comes with two shapes and six sets total.


BQ Hair Eyebrow Stencils

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (8)

The stencils in this kit attach to a headband (included) with a snap clasp, that way your hands are completelyfree to fill in your brows. If hand-eye coordination is not your strong-suit, this is definitely worth the higher price point!

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Linkinghome Eyebrow Stencils

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (9)

Like our Best Value pick, this kit boasts two dozen stencils to find your perfect match.Made with sustainable, PEVA materials, these reusable stencils are flexible and easy to use.They also comewith an elastic string that goes around the head to secure your stencil, but note that it's much thinner than the material above.


Masteam Eyebrow Stencils

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (10)

The 12templates in this kitbend to fit your face with an included elasticstring to secure your favorite stencil in place.You also get measurements along the top of each stencil, in case you want to experiment, and a small tool to remove spare hairs.

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (11)

Sanah Faroke

Associate Editor

Sanah is the associate editor at focusing on all things commerce within the health and lifestyle space. She scours the internet for the best finds money can buy, and pretends to shop for herself in the process. This Boston University grad loves to sip coffee, read during her commute (without falling over), and binge Gilmore Girls reruns until she’s memorized every line. Follow her on social media as she tackles cooking in the kitchen and see what she’s currently obsessing over.

These Are the Best Eyebrow Stencils to Create Full, Natural-Looking Brows (2025)


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